148 PgRouting - Openn Source routing solution for PostgreSQL PgRouting, an extension of PgDijkstra, is a PostgreSQL module, for performing not only shortest path queries based on the Dijkstra algorithm, but also: - A-star (A*) algorithm - an heuristic based shortest path algorithm - Driving distance - Isochrone/Isodistance application which creates an area that can be covered within a certain distance or time from start point using the road network - TSP: Travelling Salesman Problem - Alpha-shapes computation: Extract a polygon around a set of points FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics Session 5 : Development Sylvain Pasche sylvain.pasche@camptocamp.com Mario H. Basa mbasa@orkney.co.jp Toru Mori moritoru@orkney.co.jp Sylvain Pasche sylvain.pasche@camptocamp.com Mario H. Basa mbasa@orkney.co.jp Toru Mori moritoru@orkney.co.jp <MaKaC.conference.ContributionType object at 0xb36f0aec> Spatial Databases