57 Mobile Monitoring System for Disaster Management – Experiences gained during the West Asian Games 2005 in Doha, Qatar In December 2005 the third West Asian Games took place in the emirate of Qatar located on the Persian Gulf. The games' organizing committee asked the german technical inspection agency TUEV to develop a mobile, real-time, web based system to monitor and maintain safety standards with respect to health, environment, hygiene and food safety in locations related to the games. The monitoring system was jointly developed by terrestris and TUEV and is able to relay safety test-data as well as photos to a central database via GSM (global system for mobile communication). This data can then be accessed online by organizing committee staff through a web based geographic information system (WebGIS). The auditors of the TUV used a PDA for identifying objects like toilets, kitchens, cafeterias or spectators places, e.g., performing various health and safety tests, optionally took photos and sent the results categorised as green, orange or red via email to a centralized database. The members of the organisation committee had a web-GIS based frontend, where orange and red tests appeared in a certain frame. Clicking on theses "flags" the map zoomed to the CAD-drawings of the surrounding area of the tested object and opened a tab with the results of the test, optionally also with the attached photographs. The whole system was mainly implemented using Open Source software and standards of the OGC. The presentation is mainly a live demo of the project. FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics Session6 : Webmapping - LBS Till Adams adams@terrestris.de Lars - Hendrik Schneider schneider@terrestris.de Till Adams adams@terrestris.de <MaKaC.conference.ContributionType object at 0xb492d06c>