GeoTracing (www.geotracing.com) is an extensible client/server framework for
GPS-based mobile tracklogging/media/feature entry and real-time tracing. LBS
functionality is planned. GeoTracing is geared at providing a foundation framework
for "Locative Media" applications, sports, games and dedicated applications like
animal field observation. Geotagged media has a prominent role in the framework.
Client/server interaction uses XML and Web 2.0 technologies like AJAX. The browser
currently uses Google Maps (with some WMS hacks). GeoTracing is in the process of
going Open Source (at geotracing.codehaus.org).
GeoTracing applications allow users to track and share their movement through the
landscape. While moving a user can enter impressions/annotations in the form of media
and features like Points of Interest. All data is archived/managed in a CMS.
Currently a mobile (smart)phone with Bluetooth GPS is used for entry. Through a
web-browser tracks/annotations can be viewed in real-time on a Google Map. GeoTracing
attempts to provide a foundation framework for specific applications. Several
applications have been realized or are under development. Examples are GeoSkating
(www.geoskating.com), Sense of the City (www.senseofthecity.nl), geodrawing
(www.n8spel.nl). See www.geotracing.com for more
applications. GeoTracing builds on other Open Source frameworks like KeyWorx
(www.keyworx.org developed by Waag Society) and Pushlets (www.pushlets.com developed
by the author). The server uses Java (J2EE), the mobile client (MobiTracer) is
implemented in Java (J2ME). The browser uses AJAX and Google Maps. All client/server
communication uses XML (Pushlets and KeyWorx extension protocols). Compliance with
OGC-protocols and the use of OSS Geo-software like MapBuilder is under study.
FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics
Session6 : Webmapping - LBS
van den Broecke
van den Broecke