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FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics
FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics
11-15 September 2006 Lausanne, Switzerland
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deegree2: an API for OGC-conform services and clients
The current development of GIS application focuses more and more on open source
development and OGC-conform interoperability. The deegree project has so far
contributed with some more popular OGC services like WMS, WFS, WCS and CS-W. deegree
is currently the most comprehensive open source implementation of OGC services. In
its second release, deegree brings out a revised API, new services (e.g. a Web
Processing Services) as well as many new features in addition to the known ones. The
presentation will introduce deegree2 and some of its most important services. An
overview of the deegree API and its use on the client side will be given. This will
be illustrated with a few case studies.
Id: 93
Place: Lausanne, Switzerland
Room: Amphimax /(MAX 410)
Starting date:
15-Sep-2006   09:00
Duration: 30'
Contribution type: Technical Conference
Primary Authors: Dr. MUELLER, Markus (lat/lon GmbH)
Mr. TADDEI, Ugo (lat/lon GmbH)
Presenters: Dr. MUELLER, Markus
Included in session: Session 10 : SDI-OGC

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